AnyVoice: A New Tweak That Will Allow People With Different Accents to Easily Interact With Siri

Are you one of those people who own an iPhone 4S but are not actually able to use Siri to her full potential because you have a heavy accent? Well if you are jailbroken you can now forget going through the pain of asking Siri the same question a hundred times before getting her to understand it. With AnyVoice (an upcoming tweak) you can now select what accent you want to speak in with Siri, the tweak has a plethora of options so do not worry one of them will fit your persona.

The developer @rud0lf77 has worked hard for this tweak and I’am sure AnyVoice will be used all over by different people as this will help solve them their ‘Sirious’ issues. Continue reading

TweetLine 1.1 Brings Some New Features To Siri

As you all know, Twitter integration for Siri is something most of the people were waiting for since the release of the iPhone 4S.

Since the A5 jailbreak, developers all around world have been trying to unite Siri and Twitter. One of the best Tweaks for Siri and Twitter is TweetLine, an awesome AssistantExtensions plugin developed by @rud0lf77. It allows you to view your Twitter Timeline and Twitter mentions.

TweetLine will soon be updated to version 1.1. We already got a sneak peak of the upcoming version, which will be available in Cydia in a few days. Continue reading

TweetLine Updated To Version 1.0-beta1

Heads Up: Tweetline has now been released in Cydia and is ready for installation. If you are having crash issues while asking Siri for your Twitter mentions then do a reboot and it should work temporarily. The dev (@rud0lf77) has also tipped us that he has found the problem that causes the crash and he will be fixing it shortly!

The latest Siri tweak known as TweetLine was slowly becoming more and more popular and users everywhere wanted to see more functionality in it, so the developer @rud0lf77 went ahead and made a major upgrade to the tweak. He still names it as beta because more functions will be added sooner or later.

In the original version of the tweak we could only ask Siri to load tweets, which she did, but only 5 tweets at a time. Now, in this update we can actually set the tweet count to whatever number we feel like. By just saying “Set tweets to [number]”. Continue reading

TweetLine Is Now Live In Cydia (Video)

In one of our previous posts we told you about TweetLine by @rud0lf77, a Cydia tweak which allows you to load your Twitter timeline by simply asking Siri to do it. The tweak is now live and you can download it for free under the ModMyi Cydia repo.
You should also know that Tweetline is a plugin to AssistantExtensions.

As of now you can only load the top 5 tweets of your timeline. But the developer already confirmed that the next version of his tweak has already been sent to ModMyi for approval. The next version will add support for mentions. He also plans to add more features in future updates. Continue reading

TweetLine Shows Your Twitter Timeline In Siri, Will Be Available Soon

We all know that Siri lacks the ability to tweet. After the iPhone 4S jailbreak, there were a few tweaks that allowed you to use Siri to tweet (AssistantExtensions for instance). Now a new tweak called TweetLine is about to be released. We don’t know much about the tweak yet, but as we can see in the screenshot below, it looks like you can take a look at your timeline from within Siri.

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rud0lf77 is making progress with his Siri port to the iPhone 4, now connects to Apple’s servers

rud0lf77 Siri port

@rud0lf77 tweeted that he is making progress with his Siri port. He is now able to connect to Apple’s servers, but the servers won’t answer his requests just yet. He is using files from an iPhone 4S, so he can’t upload the files because of copyright issues.

Here´s one screenshot. i´ll upload the second one in a few minutes, siri still tries connecting to servers.. - rud0lf77

A few minutes later he tweeted that the Server now talks to him, but doesn’t process his requests.

Soo, the Server talks to us, but of course doesn´t answer to our requests. I´ll upload some screenshots now! 😀 - rud0lf77

And now, Siri talks to me!!! It says that it can´t connect to the server. - rud0lf77

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