TinyAssistant Disables Siri’s Help Bar

TinyAssistant is a Cydia tweak that disables Siri’s help bar. So if you activate Siri after installing TinyAssistant, you will only see the Siri icon, the sentence “What can I help you with?” disappears.

If you at some point still want to see all the things you can ask Siri, simply say “Help” and Siri will bring up a list of things she is able to answer. Continue reading

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QuickSiri: Launch Siri In Full Screen

QuickSiri is a new jailbreak tweak that allows you to open Siri in full screen. The developer also claims that QuickSiri will make Siri load a lot faster and removes some lags/glitches that appear on older iDevices running Spire. With the next update, the tweak will also have the option to disable the help bar. Continue reading

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AssistantConnect, The Easiest Way To Get Siri On Your iPhone 4 (Without SiriProxies!)

As you all know, you need to have valid keys from an iPhone 4S on your iDevice in order to use Siri. If you don’t have the validationData from an iPhone 4S, Siri won’t work. Until now, the easiest way was to setup a SiriProxy yourself, or use one from our SiriProxy Server List. But setting up your own SiriProxy was very difficult, and the free SiriProxies didn’t always work.

Now, there is a new way to get the validationData from an iPhone 4S to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. A tweak called AssistantConnect and AssistantConnect4S allow you to share a 4S’s validationData over E-Mail, so you won’t have to set up a SiriProxy Server. Continue reading

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SiriMemes Has Been Updated To Version 1.0.2

SiriMemes, the free Siri tweak that lets Siri show you memes, has been updated to version 1.0.2. The previous version supported these memes:

  • problem / troll / trollface / troll face – Trollface
  • pass auf / watch out – Watch out
  • fuck / ficken / scheisse – FFFUUUUUUU
  • why / why you (no|know|now) / warum / wieso –y u no?
  • fuck (yeah|yes|yeehaw) / (ficken|fick) (ja|year) – Fuck Yeah
  • yeah / yeehaw / oh ja – AWWWWW YEEAAAAHH
  • me gusta / i like / gefallt mir / mag ich – Me Gusta Continue reading

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SiriLaunch: Allows You To Activate Siri Right From Your Notification Center

The easiest way to activate Siri on your iPhone is to hold down the home button for two seconds. But what if your Home Button doesn’t work properly anymore, or you simply want to activate Siri with a single Tap? Then SiriLaunch is a tweak for you.

SiriLaunch adds a Siri Logo to the bottom of your Notification Center. The position of the logo is adjustable in the settings. So all you need to do to activate Siri is swiping down to get to the Notification Center and tap the Siri icon.

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Use Siri To Get Lyrics Of The Song You Are Listening To [AE Tweak]

DjKira_ released a new Siri tweak called SiriLoveLyrics. SiriLoveLyrics is a new AssistantExtensions (AE) Plugin that allows you to use Siri to get lyrics for your songs.


There are two different ways to request lyrics for a song: Continue reading

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