Corona, iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak For Non-A5 Devices Released!


@pod2g has been working very hard on an untether exploit he found a few weeks ago. He recently decided to give the exploit to the Chronic Dev Team an the iPhone Dev Team to release it for non-A5 devices. Because the new A5 processor, used in both the iPad 2 and the iPhone 4S, does not apply to GeoHot’s limera1n exploit, it is much harder to jailbreak those devices. @pod2g is still working on a jailbreak for the remaining two devices.

pod2g untethered jailbreak

As always, you should not update your device if a new firmware is available because the untether exploit will most likely be patched.

via pod2g’s blog

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2 thoughts on “Corona, iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak For Non-A5 Devices Released!

  1. HELP! I untether jailbroke my device but I can’t find the Extension Section on Settings! I am using iPhone 4 and Cydia Version is 1.1.1! I jailbroke my device by getting my tethered jailbroken device and rejailbroke it with redsn0w new version.

  2. Pingback: Pod2g Forms "Dream Team" To Jailbreak A5 devices |

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