Siri is an amazing personal assistant. Its ability to understand natural language is amazing. But what if you could just think something and Siri would do it, without you saying anything? What sounds like a new science fiction movie might actually become reality.
Project Black Mirror:
Here’s how their hack works: Your brain waves get collected by hooking up ECG pads to the user. The brain waves are then translated into synthesized speech which is then submitted to Siri through the 3.5mm headphone jack.
- ECG pads provide raw skin conductivity / electrical activity as analogue data (0-5v).
- This is plugged into the Arduino board via 4 analogue inputs (no activity = 0v, high activity = 5v).
- The Arduino has a program burnt to it’s EPROM chip that filters the signals.
- Josh trained the program by thinking of the main Siri commands (“Call”, “Set”, “Diary” etc.) one at a time and the program where we captured the signature brain patterns they produce.
- The program can detect the signature patterns that indicate a certain word is being thought of. The program will then wait for a natural ‘release’ in brain waves and assume the chain of commands is now complete and action is required.
- The series of commands are fed to a SpeakJet speech synthesiser chip
- The audio output of which simply plugs into the iPhone’s microphone jack.”
Right now, this hack requires an Arduino board and a MacBook, which means it is not portable. But the guys at Project Black Mirror will try to turn it into an actual product.
If you are interested in this hack, the team will set up a kickstarter project to fund their development soon.
For more details, head over to their website, Project Black Mirror.
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This is a fraud. A fake. The SpeakJet chip is not wired up to anything at all (the way it is positioned on the prototyping board merely shorts out all the pins). There are lots of other reasons to be suspicious but as someone who has actually designed circuits using the SpeakJet the above is sufficient for me to reject this claimed project.